Friday, May 24, 2013

How do I decorate my bedroom like the 1940s?

Q. I want to decorate my bedroom in 1940s glamor style. My inspiration came from the notebook. I realize the notebook isn't glamor but I would love to incorporate both of these styles. And ideas?

A. Colors
Choose Jadeite and a red and white theme. You can find plenty of vintage accents to fill your bedroom for either one of these color schemes. Why not start a collection of jadeite that you can display in drawers? You can jazz the place up with vintage wooden handle gadgets that are painted jadite and cream. If you are going for the red and white theme, there are plenty of red vintage bed sheet and bed cover out there and vintage linens can really perk up the place. Another advantage of the red and white theme is you can also add in a fruit theme on top of bed side desk.

I would leave the walls a neutral color - white of off white so that it does not detract from all your great accessories. Linoleum flooring in a checkerboard pattern would be perfect. Some color coordinated throw rugs can add a bit of color to the floor and pull it all together.

Simple lighting is best. You can buy vintage ceiling lights and wall sconces if you want a really authentic look. Of course you'll want to make sure you have enough task lighting so some modern lights will have to be worked in. I suggest you make them as subtle as possible so they don't look out of place.

Window Treatments
Use vintage curtains for your windows. You can buy them with complimentary colors and great patterns. If you can't find curtains make some out of vintage dish towels or tablecloths - you can buy tablecloths that have stains in 1 area pretty cheaply and then just use the good area for the curtains! If you are going with a red and white 1940's kitchen decorating theme, you might want to pick either cherries or apples as a secondary theme and look for curtains with those fruits in the motif.

Glass knobs will really jazz up your bed furniture and drawers and add an authentic vintage look. If you have painted drawers in either white or cream, try the green glass knobs. Your bed side table and chairs should either be a chrome vintage style or a vintage wooden style table with enamel top. If you can’t find either of these, you can buy any type table and hide it with a vintage tablecloth.

Accessories for 1940’s style as bedroom accessories can be found in antique malls as well as bought brand new. Soften up the room by hanging vintage tablecloths and tea towels around. Chrome appliances go well with this look as do the retro style appliances you can buy brand new these days.

I have a dark cherry wood sleigh bed with matching furniture and want a dark room to sleep in..decorating tips
Q. Decorating tips anyone? Like what color should I paint my bedroom to keep it dark enough to have a cave like atmosphere when I sleep...ideas at all?

A. First thing I would purchase would be room darkening shades for your windows. I purchased mine through JC Penney, but there may be other retailers who also carry them. Cherry wood furniture is very rich and beautiful. Therefore, you should use a paint color on your walls with the same richness that your furniture has. I would recommend a few colors from Sherwin William's. Option one: A brown color called "Colonial Revival Stone #2827". Second option: A medium muted shade of green called "Sage Green Light #2851". That was my favorite until I went into the blue section and found a color for option three: " Bunglehouse Blue #0048". This is a muted darker blue that really makes the cherry wood "pop". I tried to find a shade of gold, since gold is intense and rich also, but didn't like how any of the choices looked next to the cherry furniture. You can check out my choices for your bedroom color at the following site. I chose the bedroom with the cherry furniture to get the best comparison to your room. Good luck!!!

What paint color would look good next to a dark wood?
Q. I just purchased a new house and the original woodwork is a very dark wood. It is kinda a mix between mahogany and cherry. I am trying to figure out what color of paint would look the best on the walls. If you have any advice let me know. Thanks!!:)
it would actually be for two seperate rooms, the one is the foyer/dining area. The other is the living room. Thanks
This is a very old home and it isnt just you normal trim for woodwork. There are 2 built in hutches with a bench between for seating in the dining area so there is actually A LOT of woodwork. The living area also has 2 built in storage spaces that are connected to 2 wood columns.

A. There are sooooo many paint colors that would look good with the dark wood...! I could suggest alot of them, but that would be my taste, not yours. If I tell you turquoise, which by the way, WOULD look fantastic, and you hate that color, you'll hate my suggestion. I'd rather have a few more details to suggest a specific color but since I don't have the details, here's my suggestion:

Paint is the MAJOR factor in decorating, no matter what room or space you're decorating. And since paint is such an inexpensive item to decorate with, you can afford to do it right. Look around the room you want to paint. What colors are there already in your furniture? Do you have a fabric in the room (such as curtains, etc.) that you like? Choose a main item that will be in that room and find your color scheme from that... It's much easier and way less expensive to change your paint than your furniture... Most people repaint within 5 years (by that time, the room needs refreshing and you'll likely be bored with or tired of your decorating, as it will not really be in style anymore).

Keep in mind that for complete color harmony in any decorating project, you'll need 3 colors: 1 dominant color: the walls, 1 medium color: the trim, and one accent color: the decorative objects (vases, cushions, drapes, frames, plant holders, etc.). To keep your house flowing, I suggest you either follow a monochromatic scheme by choosing 3 shades of the same color, or at least choose colors that match from room to room (excluding bedrooms and offices, as these are considered private spaces).

It's also a good idea to steer away from blue and green in a bathroom, especially for women. The color works on your complexion and you won't appreciate it, especially if you put your makeup on in the bathroom. Gear the colors more towards the warm scale of colors, such as rose, orange, deep yellow, gold, red, etc.

When choosing a color, it's also a good idea to be aware that the side the house is facing will affect the color and the mood of a room. If you're house has a living room that faces south and is hit by the glaring sun all day, I suggest you stick to cooler colors, such as blue, cold whites, refreshing greens, etc. If you paint the room a warm color, you'll feel suffocated. As well, in a room facing North, you'll want to avoid cool colors and aim for warmth, so as to avoid always feeling cold in the room.

It's a good idea to stick to pastel colors in smaller children's rooms, as these colors will relax and unwind them, which is what any parent wants at bedtime for a toddler or a 6 or 7 year old rambunctious, lively little child. Teens, however, are looking to stand out, searching for their identity and unfortunately, they want to get on your nerves so don't be surprised if your teen wants to paint their room black, use phoshporescent paint and install black lights... thankfully, it's only a phase...

When choosing your paint, bring the paint chips home and look at them in the rooms you'll be painting that color... Lighting has a MAJOR effect on color.

Whatever you choose as a color, make certain that you like it and it makes you smile when you wake up in the morning! One really great thing about paint is that you can change it easily, for very little cost!

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! Now get to it and make it your own! Oh... feel free to email if you want any more help.

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