Tuesday, May 7, 2013

i'm painting my bedroom- help please?

Q. my room has been light purple for the last three years and my mom finally says i can paint it... my furniture is light oak wood and my floor is carpeted... i cant change the furniture or (obviously) the carpet...

does anyone have any ideas for a color scheme? or any decorating ideas?
my carpets kinda a light olivey-greenish color

A. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

I think a color called "spicy hue" (# 6342) would look great with your oak furniture.

You can also take a photo of your house & upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:
You can get color suggestions & they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.

Help! I need inexpensive decorating tips!?
Q. I am moving into a 2 bedroom duplex this week. I am on a very tight budget, but im looking for inexpensive decor ideas! The floors are tile (brown color and they are gorgeous!) and the bedrooms are carpeted in brown. Cabinets in kitchen and bathroom are oak. All fixtures/door knobs are brushed aluminum.

A. Though not all trends are worth following, some are great. By incorporating at least one into your decor, you can create a fresh, updated look for your home. The key is to know how to incorporate decorating trends without wasting your time and money. Here are a few rules of thumb:

Follow one trend at a time.
There are always many decorating fashions to choose from. It is impossible to achieve all of them simultaneously without reflecting a split-personality decor. Select one or two that you like. When you limit which fashions you follow, incorporating them into your home becomes a lot easier.

Build upon your existing decor.
Definitely do not eliminate your furniture and substitute it with new furniture just because you want to go with the latest fad. By next season, your bright red modern couch could be old news. Instead, try inexpensive accessories such as pillows, picture frames, vases, plates or lamps. If you don't want to get rid of old accessories but are looking for a change, store the accessories you are temporarily replacing, because they most likely will return in the future.

Don't overdo it.
A little bit goes a long way. It is important to be cautious of how far you pursue a fashion. For example, faux animal prints have been hot for several seasons. A few inexpensive faux animal print pillows will capture that look tastefully without breaking the bank. On the other hand, a faux animal print upholstered couch, pillows and area rug are too much of a good thing. Plus, it is much easier and less expensive to invest in pillows than in reupholstering a couch.

Be creative.
Follow the easiest, most inexpensive avenue. For example, lemon yellow is an accent color in this year's new color palette. You can incorporate it by buying a bag of lemons at your grocery store. Place the lemons in a bowl and place it on your coffee or dining table. Voila!

Don't go crazy with paint.
If aquatic blue is the latest "in" color, do not paint your entire house interior in this color. Although painting is probably the most inexpensive decorating project and yields the most impact, it is time consuming. Start by painting one room or buy some pillows or a vase in the new color instead of painting everything.

Here's what's hot in the decorating world this spring:

Tropical color palette: lush leaf greens and aquatic blues with punches of bright pink and corals or lemon yellow
Chunkier, heavier, more primitive furniture
Dark wood, bamboo and whitewashed metal furniture
Tailored slipcovers
Sisal rugs
Influences from Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Africa
Brushed gold, pewter and tarnished copper
Silver is becoming more popular than gold


A. well I guess start with replacing everything with absolutely

I don't really have any ideas but here are some tip I found on a website:

1. Plan a budget. Figure out how much money you can afford to spend on this project after comparing it with competing household needs. Decide whether you want to pay it all or part in cash, and how much, if any, you will make in monthly payments. Add up expenditures like furniture, carpet, wall and window coverings, and accent pieces. Make adjustments if you cannot afford to pay for everything you would like to do all at once. For example, perhaps you can leave the new window drapes for your income tax return or year-end bonus.

2. Design a layout. Will you keep the room arranged the way it currently is or have you decided to rearrange things? Should anything be removed or added, like a night stand or antique rocker? Consider practicality so that the room does not look cluttered or bare.

3. Choose a color scheme. Dark, pastel, or neon colors are some of the widely diverse selections that people make to furnish their rooms. Match the colors with other shadings throughout the house, especially the hall and bathroom nearest the bedroom.

4. Coordinate patterns. If you opt to go for a solid pastel color on the walls, you may want a patterned border at the top or on one wall. Wallpaper and paint store catalogs can help you visualize how well some colors and prints will go together before you actually purchase them. If the bedroom has an adjoining bath, you may want to extend the ceiling border to that room as well for a unified link between both rooms.

5. Match carpet and window coverings. The shadings need not be exact, but they should complement each other for a cohesive appearance. Add accent pieces like oak-framed pictures that will go hand-in-hand with the oak bedroom suit, for example. You may want your carpet to be a shade or two lighter or darker than the walls, depending on the room's size and lighting.

6. Purchase furniture. Select a wood grain that goes with your walls and carpet, or vice versa. Add decor pieces like a bedspread, lamp, or bookshelf that complete your desired "look," such as country, French provincial, etc. Don't overdo it or the room will feel contrived.

7. Check with a contractor. In fact, get two or more estimates and contact the Better Business Bureau to be sure the contractor under consideration has a solid reputation and offers a good price within a reasonable time frame.

After the work is completed, inspect your room carefully to be sure it turned out as planned. While you may encounter a few surprises in color contrasts or coordination of accents, overall the room's look should flow together in an appealing way. Then enjoy your new creation for years to come!

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