bedroom decorating games for girls only
I've been living very minimally for the past two years. I still live with my parents, but have a steady job. I work solely for the purpose of being able to help the less fortunate. Please don't judge me, its just what i love doing. My 27th birthday is just around the corner, and as a gift my parents have given me a large sum of money to go towards giving me an amazing bedroom makeover. I can't use this for anything other the for my room, and i've accepted that (thought its hard not to just give it away to somebody else, i'm so used to that lifestyle.) I've actually been dreaming about a new bedroom for years, and now have the opportunity to turn my dream into a reality. But i am not the best at decorating or redecorating, and that's where i need all your help.
- When i'm not working, i'm reading or writing, mostly fairytale related things.
- Wintertime is the only time when i truly come alive and am inspired. Something about the weather outside being cold/miserable and windy, that does something to me, though i don't understand why.
- My favourite colours are Chocolate & White (together,) and This very dark green i can't really explain. I've seen it used many times in game/rumpus rooms & dens though.
- All the fairytales i've read & watched, i've always daydreamed about my room being set in a certain era. I'm obsessed with king arthur, and if i could, i'd redesign an entire house dedicated to that era.
- I'm a real daydreamer, and i daydream in fairytales. I still fantasize about being a commoner (which i am,) being able to catch the eye of a prince, who doesn't care about my rank, is in love with me, and will marry me, even if i were a mere serving girl... (i'm oddly obsessed with royalty, and would like to have a room like this someday perhaps, though i'd feel odd about it, knowing how i'm living, and others out there are starving.)
- I like filming/photography, but they're NOT as important as reading & writing.
- I am neither girlie, nor a tomboy, very in the middle, neutral
- I still want a level of minimalism, simplicity, etc
- I'm worry too much over people, my animals, etc (maybe throw some blue in there for me lol.)
- I have a fixation for anything Uk. Not really into harry potter now, but there was a time, where all i wanted was to live in that kind of world, you see in their movies (minus the magic.) The castle, the rainy/gloomy weather, streetlamps flickering at night, snowfall, etc... I still want this more than ever!
Forgot to mention...
What would be the appropriate ornaments to purchase? Colour scheme? An actual theme? Etc.
I'm thinking a poster bed with white sheer linens flowing from it along the top, not necessarily in any sort of a symmetrical fashion. Probably not lace. Simple sheer in triangles or rectangles maybe hanging in handkerchief fashion. Or long flowing sheers. Or sheers that flow into the corners and wrap up around the posts with a large ribbon with a long streamer.. The furniture rich brown. The comforter in a forest green, with brown gold running through it. The walls in blue, with pin stripe alternating white and brown. Or just solid blue teal or aqua. Like Gliddens Bermuda Blue. I like Glid. Leather Brown on the walls with something like the Glid. Bermuda Blue for the comforter, with colors gold or brown, white, forest green running through it in swirls of some sort. The furniture antique white. Nix white ceilings. Bring in white lights to sparkle on your bed. I think they have low wattage kind for such a thing. If not with the sheers, which i would really think could be done, maybe a big plant like a Tree, not so much for the leaves, artificial i mean, for the structure, that you can wrap lights around in a corner somewhere too, for atmosphere. Or both. Glid. Blue Marina is pretty. Maybe that for the walls, the furniture rich brown. You could search for the comforter in the rich forest green, and try to find gold tones running through it. If it has blue in it, then you have to match that blue for the walls. Just examples. Blue Marina is a pretty grey blue. It would be serene i think. You know what you like. Probably start with the comforter. Then go from there with the colors. Just alternate them. Perhaps white furniture with the white sheers and and accent of another color, either found in the comforter, or one not used anywhere, that you like, like the rich forest green. Your colors will all work together. The comforter, then perhaps the carpet. Home Depot can match paint colors from a comforter. Just watch and let them know it is brand new and to please be careful with it. They should not have to take it completely out of its shield. Shop. If you have the money to play with, and you like a comforter then get it. You can take it back if you fall in love with another. It should all come together. I would have glass accessories. I have a vision in my head of something i am sure i saw at TJMax. An antique white old fashioned lamp look w/ metal wrapping around it. Good for like a corner of a brown bureau. Old books, found at a thrift store stacked next to it. Going towards shabby chic, since you like the old era of like King Arthur and Avalon, or a Harry Potter-like era. Draperies, that hang to the floor, touching the floor elegantly. The carpet will be important. I think wood would be better with a large area rug that is near your bed for when you get in and out of it. The coloring will be some work. But it does not have to be solid. Just watch the mix between the rug and the comforter. They can't both be dramatic. You could maybe have sconces put in the room, or just look like sconces without actually electrical lighting. You mentioned pets. So probably no candles, but that would be nice. Perhaps sconces that can be up and away and that can be closed a bit, and take in candles with confidence. I am sure there must be something out there like that. Nice for atmosphere while you read your tales and lore. Along with the lights on the bed. Not flashing lights. Still lights. White. You have your colors. You know your theme... your theme is you... and your fantasy world.... Go shopping... just look around and you will be drawn to things. You don't have to buy it all at once and there, its done. Build on it. Discover yourself. Just let it happen. Take that time for yourself to discover yourself. Go alone a lot. Take you time; there's no hurry. If you have that fun money, have fun. I see things and I don't get them sometimes and then I regret it. Maybe I thought it was just a little more than what I would want to pay for it.... but if you like it get it... you can take it back. It may not fit in. Just know the return policy. Keep that receipt. You are into fantasy periods too, with horses, dragons, unicorns. Some of those things may strike your fancy as you shop. Something delightful. Magical. You will know when you see it. I sometimes get neurotic about things, its got this little flaw on it... then I go back and it's gone. You may get over that little flaw, you may not. But if you are somewhere like TJ Max, you may never see it again. Grab it, take it back if change your mind. TJ Max in the next town may have it. They will hold it til later while you check. You have so much idea. You just have to shop. You already know what you want. Explore it now. It'll be fun. Let it come together as you explore. If you like it, it will work. Live your secret dream now....
What name would work well to finish this sibset?
Elle and C
These are three girl triplets...
Wrenzie, Alexeya, and (This is the name I need to figure out)
The girls are have blonde hair, blueish eyes, and freckles across their noses. Even though they are in seventh grade, people often confuse them for sixth or even fifth graders. Wrenzie (This is actually her nickname her real name is McKenza Wrenzinsky) is an extremely friendly girl. She has an open personality and loves to get to know people. She is also a very fast runner. She is on the track team and participates in nearly every event. She holds the fastest record for her whole school, and is proud of it. She gets along really well with her sisters, and is always smiling her beautiful smile. Her favorite colors are blue and red. her favorite books are any book that crossed onto the face of this earth, and her favorite track event is the 100 meter, the 200 meter, and the relay races. She usually wears shorts and a t-shirt with a sweatshirt over top, and has her curly hair pulled back into a ponytail. Alexeya, or Alexi for short, is very artsy. She loves to draw flowers, and sometimes draws other things too. She loves to help out and loves her loft bedroom, which is also considered the attic in the family ranch. The dark wood floors have a pink quilt, and the walls are painted a peach color. Her bed consists of a pink quilted cover and pillow. She usually styles her long straight hair in pigtails or just leaves her hair down. She owns a horse named Potato who is gray with white speckles. She is talented at ballet and loves her pink tutu. In the winter, she likes to go sledding with her sisters and her little brother Brian (whose nine years old). Her favorite color is pink, although she also likes yellow. Her favorite sports are ballet and horse back riding. Her favorite book is War Horse.
What should I name their triplet? This is a description of her:
Even though she is their sister, girl number 3 looks nothing like Wrenzie or Alexi. She has long wavy, honey brown hair and hazel eyes. Her favorite colors are red and pink, although she likes red better. Her favorite book is the Hunter Games. She has been studying the French language since she was ten, and is nearly fluent. She loves birds! Her favorites are snowy owls, although she only owns a canary named Pickles. Girl number 3 is a snowboarder. She has a red snowboard (with a matching red snowsuit) on which she painted a snowy owl. She loves riding the slopes when winter comes along with sledding with her siblings. She's also a painter and musician. She plays the flute and the guitar. She paints birds. She and Wrenzie share a room. They have a bunkbed. Girl number three has the top bunk, and has decorated her pink sheets with a nightangale on them, while Wrenzie has solid red sheets. Girl number three's favorite sport of all time is hockey. She is on the junior varsity team and is captain of her team. She's really easygoing and doesn't do very well at math in science, but is good at all her other school-subjects.
I think that you should name her Eloisea (Eh-lou-ise-a), but Elo for short. But if you don't like that I think her name should be either Skylar or Lydia.
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