beautiful little girls bedroom ideas image
I was just wondering if there were any single moms out there with a baby under 12 months. If so i would love to hear about your experience so far as a single mom. And if you dont mind a little detail on why you and the father are not together.
I have been a single mom for 4 months. I am not at all struggling with raising my baby on my own. I am more struggling with the grief and loss of my relationship. I would really like to know how other moms are coping.
I'm a single mom to a beautiful 7 1/2 month old little girl, and honestly I'm loving how close a bond I'm developing with her being her only primary caregiver. When we still lived in the house with her father, there was so much chaos. I would finally get her to sleep, and he would turn on the TV so loud it woke her. There was no routine because I never knew when he would be home or not, and he gave me hell about 'wasting' energy on the heater in the winter so the bedroom was too cold for the baby to sleep comfortably. It was like a constant tension between my attempts at creating stability for my baby and him stomping around like a rebellious toddler. Now that we live by ourselves, everything is so peaceful. I can put my baby to bed and nothing will wake her. I'm able to create a schedule for us with no conflict, and it is working out beautifully. Within one week of moving, she slept through the night for the first time in her life, and has every night since (it has been about 3 months now). I am so amazingly relieved, and it reflects on her aswell because babies are so sensitive to how you are feeling, she feels better because I feel better. I currently work from home so I spend 24/7 with my little girl. She takes 3 naps during the day, then goes to sleep by 8pm, so I'm able to work a full 6-8 hours in a day while she is asleep. I can't believe how much fun we have together! From trying out new foods, to playing with my cats, to silly games. I have never been happier in my life. I have no idea what I was trying to hold on to with her father! He just complicated everything and made conflict where there really didn't need to be any.
Just hang in there sweetie and treasure the time you get to spend with your baby, they grow up way too fast! Live in the 'now'... now is your life with a beautiful child, let go of the past and the man that went with it.
Good luck, and feel free to add me to your contacts if you ever want to chat :)
I'm a single mom to a beautiful 7 1/2 month old little girl, and honestly I'm loving how close a bond I'm developing with her being her only primary caregiver. When we still lived in the house with her father, there was so much chaos. I would finally get her to sleep, and he would turn on the TV so loud it woke her. There was no routine because I never knew when he would be home or not, and he gave me hell about 'wasting' energy on the heater in the winter so the bedroom was too cold for the baby to sleep comfortably. It was like a constant tension between my attempts at creating stability for my baby and him stomping around like a rebellious toddler. Now that we live by ourselves, everything is so peaceful. I can put my baby to bed and nothing will wake her. I'm able to create a schedule for us with no conflict, and it is working out beautifully. Within one week of moving, she slept through the night for the first time in her life, and has every night since (it has been about 3 months now). I am so amazingly relieved, and it reflects on her aswell because babies are so sensitive to how you are feeling, she feels better because I feel better. I currently work from home so I spend 24/7 with my little girl. She takes 3 naps during the day, then goes to sleep by 8pm, so I'm able to work a full 6-8 hours in a day while she is asleep. I can't believe how much fun we have together! From trying out new foods, to playing with my cats, to silly games. I have never been happier in my life. I have no idea what I was trying to hold on to with her father! He just complicated everything and made conflict where there really didn't need to be any.
Just hang in there sweetie and treasure the time you get to spend with your baby, they grow up way too fast! Live in the 'now'... now is your life with a beautiful child, let go of the past and the man that went with it.
Good luck, and feel free to add me to your contacts if you ever want to chat :)
What happens when you tell you counselor you think about killing yourself?
john f
I have very bad depression. I think about killing myself all the time. I mean ALL the time. I am so unhappy. I have recently started going to counseling. What happens if I tell them about my suicidal thoughts?
Well it depends on the counselor sometimes they have the duty to send you away for treatment for a few days to have you evaluated, Can I tell you how that I had the same problem and that medication has helped so much. Unfortunately it didn't help my sister and she recently killed herself, I loved her so much we were so close it's still so hard for me to talk about, she left a 6 month old little girl and a 3 year old little boy, and at her wake he came up to me and asked me if I would wake his mom up so she could take him home and give him his bath and tuck him into bed, And my mother she tried to kill herself soon after thank God that didn't take, my whole family is still ruined my youngest sister went to heroin my brother just drinks & does cocaine to numb his pain away, my parent divorced, she just about killed us all, none of us will ever be the same, Her kids will never know how Beautiful she was, she was married to a chicago cop and he was so abusive she saw no way out, and one day just went home and took off her wedding ring picked up his gun put the magazine in hit went into the bathroom and shot herself in the head, her jag off husband won't even let the kids have any pictures of her in the house just one each in there bedroom we all hate him but we have to put up with him just to see the kids. I beg you please don't do this, you just have no idea what you would do to the people you would leave behind, sure your pain would end but what about your friends and family, you think they would get over it, they won't, there's nothing nothing worse then a mother out living her child, nothing, It would change who she is and the rest of your family for the rest of there lives, so get help don't be ashamed, you wouldn't be ashamed if you had cancer or diabetes would you? well mental health is the same thing, you can't help it that the serotonin level in your brain became un-balanced and thats all that happened, it can strike anyone, but only the strong survive this and only the strong ask for help theres no shame in it at all, I know you don't know me, but please for me do this, If I can help one person in my sisters name then maybe I will feel like her death wasn't in vain ya know? Please,. Tell your Counselor today, call someone on call, if you can't get through call a suicide help line untill you can please ;)
Well it depends on the counselor sometimes they have the duty to send you away for treatment for a few days to have you evaluated, Can I tell you how that I had the same problem and that medication has helped so much. Unfortunately it didn't help my sister and she recently killed herself, I loved her so much we were so close it's still so hard for me to talk about, she left a 6 month old little girl and a 3 year old little boy, and at her wake he came up to me and asked me if I would wake his mom up so she could take him home and give him his bath and tuck him into bed, And my mother she tried to kill herself soon after thank God that didn't take, my whole family is still ruined my youngest sister went to heroin my brother just drinks & does cocaine to numb his pain away, my parent divorced, she just about killed us all, none of us will ever be the same, Her kids will never know how Beautiful she was, she was married to a chicago cop and he was so abusive she saw no way out, and one day just went home and took off her wedding ring picked up his gun put the magazine in hit went into the bathroom and shot herself in the head, her jag off husband won't even let the kids have any pictures of her in the house just one each in there bedroom we all hate him but we have to put up with him just to see the kids. I beg you please don't do this, you just have no idea what you would do to the people you would leave behind, sure your pain would end but what about your friends and family, you think they would get over it, they won't, there's nothing nothing worse then a mother out living her child, nothing, It would change who she is and the rest of your family for the rest of there lives, so get help don't be ashamed, you wouldn't be ashamed if you had cancer or diabetes would you? well mental health is the same thing, you can't help it that the serotonin level in your brain became un-balanced and thats all that happened, it can strike anyone, but only the strong survive this and only the strong ask for help theres no shame in it at all, I know you don't know me, but please for me do this, If I can help one person in my sisters name then maybe I will feel like her death wasn't in vain ya know? Please,. Tell your Counselor today, call someone on call, if you can't get through call a suicide help line untill you can please ;)
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