Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to make your home look more "homey" without spending a fortune?

beautiful bedroom photos ideas
 on beautiful bedroom decor beautiful bedroom decor beautiful bedroom ...
beautiful bedroom photos ideas image
Q. Hey everyone! I just got married a couple months ago and my husband has been in California for a little over a month (hes a marine) He comes back in a few days and I am so excited... but I want to do something that makes our home look a little a home...if you know what I mean. But I don't want to have to spend a lot of money. I just bought a new living room suit. Any ideas??? Thanks.

This project will be fun because you can find all kinds of things without spending a lot.

First, think of pillows, cushy ones. Our local Chinatown had beautiful pillow shams on sale like 2 for $10.

Then look around for some favorite photos and have them enlarged and buy inexpensive frames from Ross for Less or Costco. Think about painting something like one wall.

Buy fresh flowers from Farmers' Markets or a store like Albertsons where they good prices. Don't leave out the house plants. Instead of buying expensive vases for your plants, use odd items.

Lucky Bamboo is great because it requires dim or no light at all to thrive.

Stores usually have a department where they put below price merchandise. Check there for rugs and such.

When I was hosting the Superbowl Party, I was kind of broke but the house needed sprucing up. I looked around and picked out a couple of things I could do to add some pizzazz. Lucky me, all I had to do was change out plastic lightplate switches and change them to brass. Then I determined it was a good time to change the cheap doorknobs on the bedroom doors so I bought matching brass knobs. Easy, easy and cheap!

I found some really colorful throw rugs for the bath and kitchen at Anna's Linens and things.

The dollar store had nice candles and odds and ends that worked well.

One other thing you can do is find colorful or earthtoned heavy fabric to throw around on the sofa and chairs.

How should I decorate my bedroom?


I'm a sixteen y/o girl :) I know for a fact that the walls will be hot pink & the trim will be white (the ceiling is also going to be white) I have hardwood floors in my room also, but I have no idea how I want to decorate it? my friends were suggesting pink ideas like my room being cheetah & pink, floral delicate pink, or rainbow. it's such a hard decision to make I don't know what to chose D: if you have any pictures or suggestions that'd be great! thanks! C:

Pink, white and cheetah are great together,
you could add turquoise as an accent color.

Drape a sheer sequin curtain over christmas lights above your headboard. white or turquoise

Set up a cool teen hangout space in the corner of your room, small table/lamp, beanbags, w/light-up poster 3-D
-you can use a blacklight light bulb in the lamp… $2.50 walmart

You can buy 1/2 yard (18x45") of cheetah fabric at walmart for $3.

Make a fabric bulletin board to hang above your desk for notes, photos, cards...
Easy and inexpensive to make one by wrapping fabric to the back of a corkboard and staple in place. -cut fabric 2" larger
Add hot pink ribbon in a criss cross and staple to the back.

Cut two 1 1/2" wide strips of the fabric and wrap two picture frames. - overlap like the picture
Cut out or print and frame 5x7 close-ups of beautiful flowers and hang together.

Make a cute accent pillow for your bed with the remaining fabric to tie everything together. Easy to sew with a needle and thread if you can't use a sewing machine.
Cut fabric 13x30"
Fold the fabric in half, in-side-out so the color/print is inside.
Sew 1/2" in, along the edge on the two long sides, leaving the short end open.
Turn pillow cover right-side-out so the color/print is on the outside.
Fill with batting or even with a sweater/shirt you don't wear anymore.
Then sew up the opening.

For a girly touch drape a lighted feather lei over your mirror.¤t=fluffy-feather-garland-boa-for-use-with-our-led-string-lights_-pink-or-black-139-p.jpg get a feather boa in your accent color
$3 at craft stores and wrap with a small string of mini lights. -dollar store

Hanging paper lantern for cozy lighting at night. +curtain/mirror lights, blacklight

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