Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Teen girl VERY small bedroom ideas?


My room is about 10x11 so its really small... I just need designs/themes/or ideas to create space..

To brighten your room and make it appear larger hang your mirror anywhere on the wall opposite of the window and arrange your furniture in separate areas and decorate in each space. For a girly touch drape a lighted feather lei over your mirror.
* http://s950.photobucket.com/user/sheilabell33/media/fluffy-feather-garland-boa-for-use-with-our-led-string-lights_-pink-or-black-139-p.jpg.html?sort=3&o=92#/user/sheilabell33/media/fluffy-feather-garland-boa-for-use-with-our-led-string-lights_-pink-or-black-139-p.jpg.html?sort=3&o=92&_suid=136390400739002056403930697433 get a feather boa in your accent color $3 at craft stores (hobby lobby) and wrap with a small string of mini lights. -dollar store

To free up space think of your room diagonally like a diamond.
Angle your bed/nightstand in the corner and your dresser across.
http://i-cdn.apartmenttherapy.com/uimages/chicago/2-2-09angle1.jpg -this room needs a makeover
Hang string lights and drape a sheer sequin curtain over the lights in the corner behind your headboard. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Beacon-Looms-Groovy-Sequin-Interlined-Curtain-Panel/16662997

Place your desk and bookcase in the opposite corner.
Make a fabric bulletin board to hang above your desk for notes, photos, cards...
http://www.etsy.com/listing/72921950/designer-sparrows-on-plum-memory-board -ribbon optional
Easy and inexpensive to make one by wrapping fabric to the back of a corkboard and staple in place. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10159457/ -cut fabric 2" larger
You can buy 1/2 yard (18x45") of super cute fabric at walmart for $3 in tons of different patterns/designs in the colors in your room or cheetah - zebra print.

Cut two 1 1/2" wide strips of the fabric and wrap two picture frames.
http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/family/fabric-crafts5.htm -overlap like the picture
Cut out or print and frame close-ups of beautiful flowers and hang together.

Make a cute accent pillow for your bed with the remaining fabric to tie everything together. Easy to sew with a needle and thread if you can't use a sewing machine.
Cut fabric 13x30"
Fold the fabric in half, in-side-out so the color/print is inside.
Sew 1/2" in, along the edge on the two long sides, leaving the short end open.
Turn pillow cover right-side-out so the color/print is on the outside.
Fill with batting or even with a sweater/shirt you don't wear anymore.
Then sew up the opening.

If you have a tv/stand, place it on the wall across from the foot of your bed.

Hang an impressive light-up poster on an open wall.
-you can use a blacklight light bulb in a lamp

Organizing your room will make it feel more open and easy to keep clean and neat.

Bedroom Ideas??!?!?!!?

Q. Ok, I need new ideas. I will be a teenager in a year so I need a new bedroom.

Okay, i wanna keep my walls. I have four walls, colors: pink, orange, green, yellow (all neon)

I will keep my bed and maybe keep my sheets. My bed is a queen and my sheets are zebra... idk if i like them still.

I need to get new furniture. Any good stores? I wanna get fun furniture as in maybe like a bean bag chair or something fun. My room is kinda small so i can fit in my room a bookcase (medium), a drawer (small medium) a chair (dont have it yet) and my bed (queen) so i would love to put more furniture i still have maybe a 6 by 6 or 5 by 5 space i can put furniture in.

Please, no zebra, cheetah, or animal prints. No baby stuff. Just fun furniture stores please. Any ideas?

P.S. If you wanna go in detail please email me at selenagsexwithjb@gmail.com

THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!! - Jamie

well i'm not sure what your budget is but i think a pink ottoman like this one well go nicely with your room since it serves as a small chair and storage unit.

also you can keep your walls bare or have beautiful decals on them, i find many on e-bay but you can look elsewhere. here are some of my favorites:
--- http://cgi.ebay.com/Marilyn-Monroe-Silhouette-Decor-Wall-Decal-Art-29-/320720923002?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aac74e97a

--- http://cgi.ebay.com/Vinyl-Wall-Graphics-Quotes-Decor-Decals-Stickers-w01-/120743911623?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1ce5e0c7

--- http://cgi.ebay.com/DANDELION-Flower-Decor-Decals-Mural-Wall-Art-Stickers-/310328631714?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48410721a2

hope i was of some help .=]

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