Saturday, October 19, 2013

How can I prove this person on facebook is fake and should I?

bedroom ideas for a girls room
 on toddler girl room ideas kidsomania 10 cool toddler girl room
bedroom ideas for a girls room image


Well if you go on facebook and look up this certain person but i can't give you a link to his account because it's private to strangers. Anyways his pictures are totally fake i can even look them up on google. He took pictures of his house and it was like a purple girl room and it didn't even look like he took the photo. I'll give the link at the bottom of the photo i mean average people don't take photos that good. And his profile pictures are fake too. There like pictures of emo guys and his friends are like "is that you?" And then the faker put "yes it is". I'm not trying to do any harm or anything i just don't like that people are being lied to.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.eWU&biw=1092&bih=480&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Mm6uUeOoNI_y8ASlvoGIBQ#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=purple+girl+room&oq=purple+girl+room&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i5l3j0i24.125460.128990.2.129210.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47380653,bs.1,d.eWU&fp=ae6fb0181663a5c4&biw=1092&bih=480&facrc=_&

A clan called Vv3 is doing that to a friend of mine now. They keep making a fake FB profile. Just flag their page and let the problem sort itself out. You can keep flagging all day, he'll eventually run out of emails to sign up with.

How to turn a bright, girly room into a gothic/punk, darker room?


I have one larger, outer room and a supposed to be walk-in closet that I turned into my bedroom (where I sleep and keep my dresser.)

I just moved into a house and my outer room I got is really... girly. The walls are a light pink and also a light blue. My dad won't let me paint it. Trust me, I've tried convincing him. I'm more of a punk rock person, but I'm also into the gothic style, and light pink and baby blue don't work well with me. The room is spacious and I don't have my bed in this room (I have it in the smaller room). I can put up any decorations I want, but I don't want to fill my walls with posters. I was wondering if there was a way to kind of put a twist on these brightly colored walls and make the playful little girl room a more dark room? With decorations or lights or anything?

Now I know that goth and punk\ are two different styles, but I'm kinda like a mixture of a bunch of "labels"/"styles" but I love Victorian/gothic style as much as I love a punk/rebellious style. So I'm cool with either of these styles of rooms, just as long as it's NOT girly anymore.

ANY tips are appreciated!
Uh, yeah I'd prefer to see when I'm doing my homework and hanging out in my room thanks

Have you tried fabric wall-hangings? You could purchase sheer black fabric material and hang it on the walls in a drapey fashion. It doesn't completely eradicate the problem, but it's a start. Find fun/decorative "spooky" objects to place on the walls as well.

There's actually an entire fashion movement known as "Pastel Goth" that deals in this sort of thing. Mind you, Pastel Goth has received little love due to most of the partakers being willfully ignorant about the actual Gothic subculture. Just a warning; it isn't a respected or even officially acknowledged branch. I don't know too much about it, but it may give you some ideas for dealing with this situation.

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