Monday, April 21, 2014

Ideas for a teenaged girls bedroom?

Q. I am 13 and cannot find any room stuff I like and I am really picky about it. All the room stuff I find it is either too babyish or too adult.

I think the best way to start is to find a comforter set that you really like and choose a paint color from it. Since I don't know your tastes or your favorite colors, I'll show you some that I like. Hope you do too!
I like this one with pink or mocha colored walls:
Paint the room blue and use this:
This one is kinda cool too:
I love this one but it might look too adult for you:
(with pink or brown walls)
Another of my favorites with lavender or periwinkle paint:
This one is unique if you like these colors:
These two have lots of walls colors to choose from:
You could also go with a black and white theme and add pops of color (lime, orange, hot pink) in pillows and accents:
This would look good with lavender walls:
This would look calm and restful with light aqua walls:
After you choose a comforter you like and paint the walls, then choose some long sheer curtains that compliment it. I like when the curtains blend into the walls instead of standing out, but that's a personal thing. Don't buy everything at once or it will look too "matchy-matchy" and predictable. Find an old thrift store chair and paint it an accent color (like a bright purple, lime or red) to sit in the corner of your room. String lights on a big tree or around the window for instant romance and be sure to have beautiful lamps on the night tables. Find a small accent rug to put near your bed and a throw blanket to add more color. Take your time and eventually you'll have the room of your dreams.

How to design a beautiful teenage bedroom for a girl?

Q. I am now 18, and I want a new bedroom.
Can somebody tell me how to design a beautiful teenage bedroom for a girl?

First, you have to decide what kind of themes you like. Think of something like; fresh, or beach, or gothic, or anything.

Then you can start to pick elements that represent it, such as: colour, materials, ornaments, etc.

Pick those elements that suits your needs and the themes. You can make a contrast by each of the elements, but you don't want to have more than 3.

Example: If you want your theme to be fresh, then you want to start gathering colour elements, you can have like pale blue, coral blue, and one as contrast of navy blue. But you don't want to add one more colour like pink, because it makes harder for those element to get united.

Take your time and start exploring your ideas.

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