Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ideas for a girls night in?

Loving my

Some friends of mine and i have decided that we need to have a girls night...We are all moms(me being the newest one with a 6 week old) and would like to have a girls night in at someones house....We were thinking my house so i was wondering if anyone had ideas for what we could do...some detailed ideas for entertainment and for food ideas would be great!! Thanks!

First, congrats on your new baby! All busy moms deserve a night with the girls. Have you considered hosting a Romance Party? That can be a GREAT way to reconnect with the girls, have some adult time, and it's one of those parties that tends to be talked about for months after it's over. Pure Romance, the company I work for, is a great choice. Our shows are very tasteful and educational, but also a blast. A consultant will come over to your home and your guests will have a chance to sample edible and scented products, and of course handle the fun bedroom accessories. Lots of laughs and you'll learn ways to continue opening the lines of communication in your intimate relationship (especially important after babies arrive!)

Children or men may not be present in the home during the party, so you'd need to find someone to take your little one for the evening. There's no cost for hosting, and hostesses get free products. Your consultant should also have some fun ideas for party food.

Good luck and have fun!

Decorating twin baby girls?


Hi I'm going to be redecorating my twin daughters bedrooms again when they turn ONE in a few months! And I want to do hot pink and zebra print!! :) My first question is Does anyone know where I can find zebra print fabric? and does anyone have any suggestions or cute ideas for things I can make or try to incorporate into there new room. thanks in advance :)

you could put their names above their cribs or beds:
(i think this would look really cute in the room you are describing)


cute stuff:

really cute lamps :||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules-_-



i have these in my room!:||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules-_-

these look really cool:

HOPEE thiss helpeddd!!!!!!

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