Monday, June 3, 2013

Ideas for a teen party?

Q. I am moving across the country and I want to have a last ggoing away party for me and friends. Any good ideas?

The weather will be hot, like 75-90 degrees. I also have a bon fire pit, pool and the people are going to be from 15-16 years old. My mom lets me drink around the house when we have parties so I was wanting to do a bonfire party at around 7 pm till like midnight. I would have the bonfire, truth or dare, swimming in the dark and awesome music. Any ideas?

A. If camping is planned, the tents and food should all be set up.
Next day go went back to the birthday person's house and watched the home movie of all of the events...How embarrassing!!!
-from Crystal

Girl Friend Party:
(a special day for your friends' birthday day)
Blindfolded her and take her to get her haircut pay for that. Next pick up some videos and put the blindfold on her again. When you get to your destination (a made up salon in your house or a friends) take off the blindfold. Decorate the area like a will need to make signs, get streamers, and put accessories (make-up, hair products, facial products, nail products) on display.

Have some new makeup for you girl friend and do her nails, make-up, and hair and if possible pick out an outfit for her to wear. She never know what was happening next.

When you're done and have watched a movie, blindfolded her again and take her out to dinner with your male friends.

Titanic Party:
A formal affair. For girls let let them dress together and make each other up.
Have servers and a Captain present for an elegant dinner. Find young musical entertainers to provide the background music.
After dinner have an adult can man the black-jack and roulette tables.
Hire a Caricaturist to draw the guests (this will be their party favor).

Mall Fun:
Scavenger Hunt:
Prepare the night before by going to the mall to find or think of things for the hunt. i.e.: number of stairs, escalators, things in shop windows, lost receipt, etc. The day of the party give each team a list of the items and within a specified amount of time see who comes up with the correct answers/items.
Party Favor / Game: Give each person $5.00 and see how many items they can purchase in a limited amount of time.
Hit the pizza parlor (or other) afterwards.

Regression Party:
Party like a 4 or 5 year old. Play traditional party games like pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, hot potato, drop the clothes pin in the can, scooping cotton balls from one bowl to another-blindfolded., etc.

Limo Romp:
Hire a limousine. Pick up the party goers and take them to a restaurant for dinner. Best best would be an "50's Diner" someplace were they can play goofy games. Make sure the limo is stocked with soft drinks, music, etc.

Hotel Party:
Get a two bedroom hotel room. One for the kids and one for the parents. Make sure it has all the amenities like pool and game room. Bring lots of popcorn, sodas, videos, etc (or if you prefer room service). Let the maids clean up the mess the next day.

Disco Party:
Rent a disco ball, strobe light and get together some 70's movies. Have your friends come dressed for disco. Serve TAB

Party ideas for 12-13 years old girls!help!?
Q. Ok Im going to have a party in may, I want my friends to have a really fun time. Its up to 2pm-7pm and it just a party.Not a birthday or a slumber party.Just a party. So far my ideas are prank calling, going outside to get slushies and going down hills with our bike. Bob the Apple or whatever its called.I dont want to pay alot for the party just 30$ I want topay.Please give me ideas fun ideas!!!

A. I'm turning 13 on May 31st and I'm probably gonna do the salon thing listed below. Have lots of fun! Here are some ideas.

Surprise for the birthday guests:
Birthday person's parent goes to each house to pick up the guest and places a black cloth around their eyes and led to the vehicle.
From there the parent drives to a planned party area such as a camp, etc. While blindfolded they are asked to act like a chicken, moo like a cow and other things...Use your imagination. This should be videotaped.

If camping is planned, the tents and food should all be set up.
Next day go went back to the birthday person's house and watched the home movie of all of the events...How embarrassing!!!

Girl Friend Party:
(a special day for your friends' birthday day)
Blindfolded her and take her to get her haircut pay for that. Next pick up some videos and put the blindfold on her again. When you get to your destination (a made up salon in your house or a friends) take off the blindfold. Decorate the area like a will need to make signs, get streamers, and put accessories (make-up, hair products, facial products, nail products) on display.

Have some new makeup for you girl friend and do her nails, make-up, and hair and if possible pick out an outfit for her to wear. She never know what was happening next.

When you're done and have watched a movie, blindfolded her again and take her out to dinner with your male friends.

Titanic Party:
A formal affair. For girls let let them dress together and make each other up.
Have servers and a Captain present for an elegant dinner. Find young musical entertainers to provide the background music.
After dinner have an adult can man the black-jack and roulette tables.
Hire a Caricaturist to draw the guests (this will be their party favor).

Fortune Telling Party:
Hire a palm reader or have an adult dress like a gypsy and have their palms read. Also use tarot cards to learn to tell fortunes. Serve fortune cookies. For party favors give bangles, moon and star items.

Write Horoscopes: pass out pencils and paper to each guest. The "astrologer" asks them to write various items, the paper is passed to each player AFTER each item is written. Turn the paper down, so no one can read what is above. When completed, the last person signs their name to the bottom. They are then turned in and read using the 'story.' See link at horoscopes to get more information.

Mall Fun:
Scavenger Hunt:
Prepare the night before by going to the mall to find or think of things for the hunt. i.e.: number of stairs, escalators, things in shop windows, lost receipt, etc. The day of the party give each team a list of the items and within a specified amount of time see who comes up with the correct answers/items.
Party Favor / Game: Give each person $5.00 and see how many items they can purchase in a limited amount of time.
Hit the pizza parlor (or other) afterwards.

Regression Party:
Party like a 4 or 5 year old. Play traditional party games like pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, hot potato, drop the clothes pin in the can, scooping cotton balls from one bowl to another-blindfolded., etc.

Limo Romp:
Hire a limousine. Pick up the party goers and take them to a restaurant for dinner. Best best would be an "50's Diner" someplace were they can play goofy games. Make sure the limo is stocked with soft drinks, music, etc.

Hotel Party:
Get a two bedroom hotel room. One for the kids and one for the parents. Make sure it has all the amenities like pool and game room. Bring lots of popcorn, sodas, videos, etc (or if you prefer room service). Let the maids clean up the mess the next day.

Clothes Exchange and Redo:
Good for girls of roughly the same size, or a couple sizes. have everyone go thru closets at home and find clothes they don't want or that don't fit, clothes, purses, bags, shoes, socks, anything...Buy bits of ribbons, buttons, fabric, zippers, patches and sewing supplies. when everyone gets to the party, make piles of clothes that are around the same size. Then everyone can sew on the ribbons, iron on patches-make the clothes look different, maybe even buy some tie-dye, a kit should be around $20.00. Then swap clothes.

Beauty Salon:
Take the girls to a beauty salon to have their hair and nails done. Or do up their hair and nails at home in conjunction with a slumber party. For an activity, decorate pillow cases. Purchase one plain white case for each girl.

Disco Party:
Rent a disco ball, strobe light and get together some 70's movies. Have your friends come dressed for disco. Serve TAB

Games & Activties:
Are the above just a bit much? How about a regular, stay at home, do it yourselfer. Here are a few games and activities.
Prepare slips of paper, enough for each player. All will be blank except two. One will be marked "Murderer" and the other "Detective". Let the play

HELP! got any ideas for a 15th birthday party?!?
Q. im turning fifteen soon and im really having a hard time coming up with any ideas for a party. i was thinking a small party maybe 11 at the most. im kind of wanting to do something a little more formal so we can all get dressed up. i live in san antonio so...
if you have any ideas at all... PLEASE let me know (:

A. Titanic Party:
A formal affair. For girls let let them dress together and make each other up.
Have servers and a Captain present for an elegant dinner. Find young musical entertainers to provide the background music.
After dinner have an adult can man the black-jack and roulette tables.
Hire a Caricaturist to draw the guests (this will be their party favor).

Fortune Telling Party:
Hire a palm reader or have an adult dress like a gypsy and have their palms read. Also use tarot cards to learn to tell fortunes. Serve fortune cookies. For party favors give bangles, moon and star items.

Write Horoscopes: pass out pencils and paper to each guest. The "astrologer" asks them to write various items, the paper is passed to each player AFTER each item is written. Turn the paper down, so no one can read what is above. When completed, the last person signs their name to the bottom. They are then turned in and read using the 'story.' See link at horoscopes to get more information.

Mall Fun:
Scavenger Hunt:
Prepare the night before by going to the mall to find or think of things for the hunt. i.e.: number of stairs, escalators, things in shop windows, lost receipt, etc. The day of the party give each team a list of the items and within a specified amount of time see who comes up with the correct answers/items.
Party Favor / Game: Give each person $5.00 and see how many items they can purchase in a limited amount of time.
Hit the pizza parlor (or other) afterwards

Limo Romp:
Hire a limousine. Pick up the party goers and take them to a restaurant for dinner. Best best would be an "50's Diner" someplace were they can play goofy games. Make sure the limo is stocked with soft drinks, music, etc.

Hotel Party:
Get a two bedroom hotel room. One for the kids and one for the parents. Make sure it has all the amenities like pool and game room. Bring lots of popcorn, sodas, videos, etc (or if you prefer room service). Let the maids clean up the mess the next day.

Clothes Exchange and Redo:
Good for girls of roughly the same size, or a couple sizes. have everyone go thru closets at home and find clothes they don't want or that don't fit, clothes, purses, bags, shoes, socks, anything...Buy bits of ribbons, buttons, fabric, zippers, patches and sewing supplies. when everyone gets to the party, make piles of clothes that are around the same size. Then everyone can sew on the ribbons, iron on patches-make the clothes look different, maybe even buy some tie-dye, a kit should be around $20.00. Then swap clothes.

Beauty Salon:
Take the girls to a beauty salon to have their hair and nails done. Or do up their hair and nails at home in conjunction with a slumber party. For an activity, decorate pillow cases. Purchase one plain white case for each girl.

Disco Party:
Rent a disco ball, strobe light and get together some 70's movies. Have your friends come dressed for disco. Serve TAB.

Party Game Ideas

Chinese Whispers
Good old Chinese Whisper is a very popular game that can be played among all age groups indoors. Everyone sits in a circle and a person starts the game by whispering something in the ear of the person sitting on the left. That person has to whisper the exact same thing that was told to him/her and so on. The last person in the circle has to announce aloud what was said by the first person. If incorrect, he/she can be given a silly task like bark like a dog or act like a chicken.

Spin the Bottle
Take an empty bottle and spin it on a table around, which all your friends are sitting. When the bottle stops spinning, see towards whom the bottle opening points. That person is asked to do a dare or share a secret. It is a fun game especially, when the dares are a bit tough and tricky. Also, it gives you an inside information about the person, as he/she shares a secret.

Make everyone sit in a circle. Make chits of paper as the number of people. Leave all chits blank, but two. On one write murderer and the other write guesser. Now, the murderer has to wink at each and every person in the group without letting the guesser know. The fun part is no one knows who the murderer and the guesser are. The moment a person is winked at, that person says "Dead". The guesser has to guess, who the murderer is. Who knows the murderer might just first wink at the guesser?

Forbidden Letter
A game essentially for the older teens, in this game the players decide a letter of the alphabet that is to be forbidden (It is advisable not to choose a vowel). A person is appointed as a questioner, while the rest are players. As the game start, players are not allowed to say any word that contains that letter. The questioner also has to abide by the rules of the forbidden letter. One, who manages to last till the end, is declared as the "King of Alphabets".

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