Sunday, July 7, 2013

Im having a bridal shower this saturday for my boyfirneds sister... got any GOOOD and FUUUNNN game ideas?

bedroom design games for girls online
 on Room Makeover Games for girls
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Recipe Mania

Invitations: Include a card asking guests to bring a recipe and some of its ingredients. Assign different cuisines -- Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Spanish, French, Southern -- so the ingredients are varied and exciting.

Decorations: Pillage Mom's Redbook stash and cut out recipe-related pages. Affix them to card-stock and tape them to the kitchen cabinets and around the noshing table.

Activity: Ask guests to bring ingredients for one delicious group dish. The maid of honor can take notes, and when the bride sends thank-you cards, she can include the recipe as a keepsake.

Eats: Have everyone bring an appetizer from their assigned cuisine -- spicy cheese balls, quesadillas, fried dumplings, or butter cookies.

Gifts: Cookbooks, stylish pots and pans, a wok, hot mitts, utensils, or kitchen gadgets.

Mani-Pedi Afternoon

Invitations: With the side of your palm, make fingerpaint imprints that look like cute little feet (with dots for toes). Print "Come Make Your Toes Tingle" across the fronts.

Decorations: Since this supergirly bash would take place at a small neighborhood spa (call around to see who will let you reserve one for a few hours), ask the owners if guests can bring tunes that remind them of their favorite times with the bride. If management also lets you fill the place with balloons, then go all out.

Activity: Manicures and pedicures! Sit around with your pants rolled up and revel in the luxurious pampering while you exchange embarrassing stories about the girl of honor.

Eats: Take along platters of small sandwiches, veggies and dips, and finger cookies to nibble on while your feet and hands are being polished.

Gifts: A home mani-pedi kit complete with an array of polishes, a gift certificate for a day of facials and herb wraps, or a basket of bubble baths and salts.

Foxy Mama

Invitations: Imprint bright red lipstick lips on the invites and envelopes.

Decorations: Secure red and black feather boas around lampshades, put out bowls of red candy, and toss velvet throw pillows on the couch to create a sex kitten domain.

Activity: Buy a blank book and have guests write in naughty tips for marital happiness in the bedroom.

Eats: Bring on the aphrodisiacs! Try lascivious (but expertly prepared) dishes that feature asparagus, oysters, strawberries, artichokes, chocolate, and more. Revel in recipes from Intercourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook.

Gifts: The Joy of Sex, a basket of massage oils and lotions, or lots of wild lacy lingerie.


Invitations: Put the party details on summery red-and-white checkered napkins (make sure to use a fine-tipped black marker to reduce bleeding). Include intructions for each guest to bring a different "sexy" salad. Each guest should come prepared with an explanation for why her salad is sexy.

Decorations: Clear out a room and cover the floor with blankets. Grab that old picnic basket from the attic and rummage at yardsales for a vintage cooler for pink lemonade. (Mason jars are just the right touch for drinks). Arrange stems of tulips in pieces of green floral foam around the room for a glorious indoor Saturday afternoon at the park indoors.

Activity: Cut out horseshoes from brown posterboard and use bar stool legs for stakes.

Eats: Traditional picnic fare: cold sandwiches (pesto chicken, mozzarella and tomato, turkey and swiss), chips, and the assorted fruit and pasta salads. Chocolate chip cookies and brownies are also a must.

Gifts: What else for the fun-loving couple but backyard games? We suggest a croquet or badminton set, or bocce balls. Or consider giving a deluxe picnic basket with all the works, a new cooler, or the perfect quilt (great for cuddling too).

Psychic Readings

Invitations: Let gorgeously designed tarot cards show guests that fortune-telling fun is the name of the game for this bridal bash.

Decorations: Go online and search for the images of the zodiac, and copy onto large sheets of colorful posterboard paper. Low lights, beaded curtains at the doorways, and gold stars hanging from the ceiling will add to an air of enchantment and intrigue.

Activity: Fortune-telling -- hire a professional fortune-teller or palm reader to come and divulge the romantic prospects for each of the partygoers. See if she'll indulge the group of giggling girls by wearing the traditional fortune-teller's shawl and gold hoop earrings.

Eats: What witches eat, of course! Worms and dirt (cups of chocolate pudding topped with cookie crumbs and gummi worms), goats' eyes (small scoops of vanilla ice cream with black jelly beans in the center), cats tails (untwisted giant pretzels). Be creative -- you get the picture.

Gifts: Good-luck charms to go with every present: rabbit's feet, shiny pennies, four-leaf clovers.

Salsa Dancing

Invitations: Look for old pictures of Latin dancers and color copy them. Affix to the fronts of plain invitations and make sure guests know that only those wearing easy-to-move-in duds will be allowed to enter!

Decorations: Lots of bright streamers and bold paper decorations (in the shapes of pineapples and mangos, for instance) hanging from the ceiling will get the festivities charging forward, upward, and wherever else your feet will fly.

Activity: Dancing! Have a Latin-dancing instructor come and show you some sexy salsa, merengue, or cha-cha moves. If it gets too hot, cool off with frozen margaritas.

Eats: Nachos, quesadillas, red beans and rice, steak and chicken fajitas. And don't forget the jalapenos and salsa!

Gifts: Dance-music mixes, an iPod to hold all the salsa music the couple could ever want, iPod accessories, or a gift certificate for couple's dance lessons.

Stock the Bar

Invitations: Go with a coed guest list -- this theme is perfect for couples who like to mix and mingle. Cards picturing swanky cocktails will accent the theme. Assign each guest a different type of liquor (vodka, brandy, tequila, grappa) to tote to the party.

Decorations: Use kitschy cocktail napkins, drink stirrers, paper umbrellas, beer-bottle caps, and other booze-related baubles.

Activity: Try out favorite drink recipes over the course of the evening. Cheers!

Eats: Very important. Provide a hefty sampling of your favorite hors d'oeuvres and munchies.

Gifts: Guests should bring appropriate glasses for their liquor, such as slick margarita glasses for tequila, or cordials for an after-midnight spot of Grand Marnier. You might want to go all out with deluxe glassware, a cocktail shaker, or a glass martini set.

'50s Diner

Invitations: Buy 45s (remember those vinyl singles?) and affix the invitation text to the records. Hand deliver or FedEx them so they don't break.

Decorations: Athletic jerseys and pennants on the walls; blowups of the bride's and groom's dorky high-school pictures labeled with faux yearbook entries. If the shower is at a restaurant or bar, make sure there's a jukebox!

Activity: Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle with an old-school Coke bottle. A trivia game is also appropriate, or you can play Name That Tune.

Eats: Burgers (don't forget the veggie patties), fries (with cheese, if desired), and milkshakes or cherry Cokes.

Gifts: A chrome blender, a vintage-inspired toaster, or a set of authentic diner dishes.

Art Opening

Invitations: Postcards of famous paintings -- Van Gogh, Renoir, Picasso, O'Keefe...

Decorations: Rent a gallery, or do it yourself with posters, easels, and large sheets of paper splattered with paint, Jackson Pollock-style.

Activity: Buy white or flesh-colored plasticine and have each guest mold a face or an animal as an icebreaker (voila! lovely party mementos). And Pictionary is a must!

Eats: Think gallery opening: upscale hors d'oeuvres like asparagus spears, marinated portabello mushrooms, shrimp skewers, crackers with cheese or caviar, and drinks like martinis, cosmopolitans, and champagne.

Gifts: Pool your money and commission a portrait of the couple (nab a choice photograph) by a talented local artist, or buy them a piece that catches your eye. Another option for the artistic couple? Give them a year-long membership to an art museum.

Country and Western Hoedown

Invitations: Horseshoe-shaped cards or little lassos (made of fisherman's rope) with notes attached. "Y'all Come On By," not "You Are Cordially Invited."

Decorations: A country and western bar is the best place for this soiree. If you're partying in someone's home or garden, throw down some bales of hay, saddles, and open coolers with bottles of Bud (we reckon y'all can cheat and throw in some chardonnay) for ambience.

Activity: For a couple shower, hire an instructor to teach the fine art of line dancing. Toss horseshoes or play gin rummy or poker. Good country-music tapes or a great jukebox are a must.

Eats: Ribs, corn on the cob, barbecued chicken, coleslaw, potato salad. Think all-American.

Gifts: Choice leather boots, a fajita grill, or a chips and (ranch) dip platter.

High-School Sleepover

Invitations: A note (folded in ingenious high-school fashion) attached to an adorable, tiny stuffed animal.

Decorations: Posters of teen idols (the ones the bride squealed over), bean bags, and overstuffed pillows. Try to convince guests to wear pajamas!

Activity: Girl talk -- pour some champagne or white wine (we won't tell your parents) and take turns talking about first sexual experiences, worst sexual experiences, and mind-blowing sexual experiences. Another option is to write notes with personal, tell-all questions and draw them from a hat.

Eats: Lots of munchies like chips and salsa, brownies, and M&Ms. Also, make a tossed salad and a platter of fruit and cheese to serve when everyone is sugared out.

Gifts: The traditional teddy from Victoria's Secret is a good bet here, plus any raunchy add-ons your sick minds can imagine! Alternatively, play it safe with a camera, a popcorn popper, Trivial Pursuit, or pizza-making gear.


Invitations: Formal document in legalese: "You are hereby subpoenaed to the shower of Holly Hunter at 22 Court Street. Failure to report on the given date at specified time will result in a fine of $500 or three nights in jail (legal action will be suspended if defendant responds by June 24 that she cannot attend)."

Decorations: Arrange the room like a courtroom. Paste a Witness sign on the bride's chair, Jury on a sofa, and Evidence on the food table. If you have a VCR handy, rent legal movies like The Firm, My Cousin Vinny, or The Verdict, and play them continuously (with the sound down).

Activity: Ask the groom for some minuscule details about the couple's first date, information about his family, or embarrassing moments they've had together. Write the questions and answers on file cards. Then take turns as prosecutors and interrogate the bride/witness. For each question she gets wrong, she has to gulp alcohol or do three sit-ups; when she's right, give her a present to unwrap. This game can also work with both partners in the room, a la The Newlywed Game. The witness' honey can't help out, though! (For a Doctor Shower, get your hands on that beloved board game Operation.)

Eats: Standard hors d'oeuvres. Sandwiches, olives, grilled vegetables -- anything goes. If they don't like it, sue 'em.

Gifts: Splurge as a group on a computer station, an electronic organizer, or a cordless phone.

Mad Hatter Tea Party

Invitations: Colorful and wacky. Instruct everyone to dress up in high-tea style.

Decorations: As whimsically topsy-turvy as you remember from Alice in Wonderland. Cover the table with bright, clashing tablecloths. Put candlesticks of funny shapes and sizes down the center and adorn them with pink and yellow candles. Use chairs from different parts of the house: tall stools, upholstered uprights, dining-room standards, and so on. Play the Disney favorite in the background.

Activity: Charades -- see who can best imitate the Queen, the Cheshire cat, and the rabbit.

Eats: Cupcakes frosted in green, blue, pink; sugar cookies with bright sprinkles; tea sandwiches cut into the shapes of stars and hearts. And of course tea served in a fancy old-fashioned pot. Hit yard sales beforehand for a mishmash of tea cups and saucers.

Gifts: A pretty tea pot, tea cups and saucers, a gift box of a variety of teas, gorgeous serving dishes, or candlesticks.

What are some fun FREE online games for teens?

Missy Spar

I used to play RuneScape, but that got boring pretty fast. I know about gaia and club penguin but thats not really what Im looking for. I wanted to try IMVU but afraid it will give me viruses if i download it. If anybody knows any good games that are kinda like IMVU or Gaia or sumfin that i DONT have to download. :) Thx.
Haha, im not the kind of outdoor-sy person. I tend to read books and play with my pets more ;p. Im just being lazy yknow Summertime :)

i know alot here's some:

Starfever Agency
Be an agent to the stars!

Set in the future when everybody travels on hoverboards! You can play games, earn stars, go shopping and chat!
A virtual city game where you can create your own character and explore Millsberry town through his or her eyes.

Start by creating a character, walk around Dizzywood, collect coins to buy clothes and other items, play games, chat and have fun!

Build your human character and start exploring Bearville. You need to buy a bear for many of the activies, but not all.

Groovy Girls
Dress her up, decorate her room and chat with friends.

Fantasy mecha (giant robots) role playing game, start by creating your character and choose the color of your mecha!
Make your your Troll, then go spend your trollars (troll dollars) at the mall!

Tibia Requires
Be an adventurer in a a huge realm of magic and mystery and make friends with people from all over the world.

Zanpo Virtual Cities
3d multi player virtual cities where you can explore, become a citizen, build your own home, and even become mayor of your own city.

Club Marian
New and improved Marian, customize your character, run, drive and chat. The best part? You don't need to register!

Create and control super heroes who live in Urbanville.

Chamber of Chat
A Harry Potter interactive adventure game with customizable avatars!

A virtual town for boys and girls to explore, learn, create, and have fun.

Seventeen Magazine Editor's Assistant
Find out what it's like to be an assistant at a fashion magazine. Start the day with deciding what to wear!

I-Dressup iLook
Make your own avatars, select ready made outfits or make your own, talk to friends, write blogs and vote for other members.

I-Dressup iToon
Same features as above, but here you can create an avatar that is more anime/cartoon version of you.

For UK youth with real time 3D chat, blogs, message boards, games, and more.

Create your own seedizen and go on to help save the galaxy from evil!

Create your own citizen, play games and meet friends.
Barbie Girls
Design your character and your own room, invite friends over and go shopping at the mall!

Create your character, earn credits for solving missions, buy stuff for your house and chat with friends.

Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom (vmk)
An online version of Disney Theme Parks. Multi player games, chat and more!

Stunt Bike Island
Customize the girl and her bike (three possible outfits) and go for a ride.

Gaia Online
Anime role playing community. Dress up your own avatar, chat, role play and earn gold through games with other players in an interactive world.

A large website with lots of fun dress-up and makeover activities to do, I recommend starting with exploring "E-Boutiques", "Fashion" and "Salon"!

Online chat game allowing users to interact with one another and buy virtual houses and virtual credits.

Style your NickSelf, create your own room and chat with friends.

A pen pal community where you can create your own character to represent you.

Mokitown home of the Mobile Kids
A City for kids. Chat, meet friends, play a tons of games and have fun!

Girl Stuff/Boy Stuff
Create an avatar, edit your bedroom, and hang out in the GSBS world.

Meet friends, make music, perform.

Show Jumping
Choose a color for the horse and clothes for the jockey, then start your training!

Student Survivor
Two games where your goal is to create a student and keep him or her alive and happy! You have to register if you want to save your game.

A chat world where you can dress up or avatar and hang out. 45 day free trial.

The N Requires
Avatar mall, high-school, prom and more.

3d multi player adventure, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win.
Create a Virt, a virtual sidekick who is energized when you play sports and games.

Big Mouth Life Requires
Grow a Big Mouth, customize, care and play with it. Earn points by taking good care of your Big Mouth and buy stuff for it.

Habbo Hotel
A virtual hotel where you can hang out in the cafes, restaurants, swimming pools and games rooms.Or create private rooms and your own party. Also Canadian and UK versions.

Design your own super model look, go on photo shoots and score points for jobs well done.

Doll War
Create a doll, go shopping for clothes and have fashion battles with other dolls to determine who has the better sense of fashion!

Meez (
weeworld (

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