Thursday, December 5, 2013

How can I convince my parents to redecorate my room?

beautiful bedroom furniture images
 on Beautiful Pine Bedroom Furniture Set. | eBay
beautiful bedroom furniture images image

The Direct

Right now my room is really, really boring. I have a plain bed shoved into one corner, one dresser, tall bureau drawers, and a mismatching desk. My walls are a plain blue-ish gray. My bed spread is a dark green and burgundy flower pattern my mom picked out thirty years ago. I really hate my room, and I want to redecorate it, but I know my parents will say no, because my mom wants to save up to redo the carpet. (Also, I know my older sister will probably yell at me/throw things at me/complain about me to my mom so I don't get my way/call me a brat because she loves making people feel awful.)

I really just want to liven up my room and make it more personalized. I didn't get to pick my furniture - my parents just shoved the leftover stuff in my room when I was born. I did get to pick the color (out of the three options my mom gave me.) I'm so sick of my room. I want to have a nice, pretty place to relax in.

You don't ask. Just start. Start the process. The only thing they understand is seeing you working very hard. That makes them happy. They're willing to do a lot more when it appears that their kid isn't just sitting around, expecting them to buy a new $600 smartphone and doesn't even wash the dishes. When they see that, they vow to never spend money on anything.

They may fight you on expensive things; but not something like painting walls or refinishing the chest of drawers. If you were to start piping up about wanting a brand new bedroom set and designer paint they would get cranky.. but DiY projects are practically FREE. Local thrift stores (or keeping an eye out for when neighbours leave some old table for trash day) can all be rescued and turned into really cool stuff. The key is to start working. Clear out old junk. Box it up. Start washing down the walls. Start cleaning your room and that (in and of itself) will impress them. They will scowl at your lazy, sluggish sister for just sitting around.

All ugly (mismatched) wood items can be painted.

Solid white always looks pretty. All walls can be textured and/or painted. All existing bedding can be covered up by making comforter/duvet covers out of plain, inexpensive sheets sewn together. (solid colours), and that mismatched desk can have a new mosaic table-top.

Blue-ish-grey walls aren't so bad and you could even leave them that colour.. as well as add a wall decal like this:

Wall decals are pretty cheap but if you don't want to buy one, just paint something interesting on the wall.. like this tree:

If it's old carpet, I would have ripped that up a looong time ago and checked out what's under there. You never know.. it may be hardwood flooring and that's awesome. Peel up a corner and see what's there. If it's wood.. pull the carpet up. They'll be thrilled they won't have to replace carpet.

Select your fav colours and start there. As far as I'm concerned, your strange sister shouldn't even be acknowledged, she sounds weird. Anyone who wastes their time bothering other people or calling their siblings a "brat" are behaviourally challenged. Ignore her. Start working on changing your bedroom by planning out what you want to do in there. Select your fav colour combo's, and start organising everything. Prepare for a massive purge and clean out all closets, etc. Go through the entire house and make piles of stuff to sell at a yard sale. You can use the money from the yard sale to buy cute, new, solid colour sheets and cover that old comforter with a pretty, solid colour (home-made) duvet cover.

Find a huge pot and plant a tree in it. Add little twinkly white lights and put the whole thing in the comer.. It'll be beautiful.

Start searching online and in design magazines for ideas. Start collecting little marbles, broken dishes and glasses, broken mirror and anything you can so you can do your own mosaic tabletop/desktop design and create your own really cool desk. Like this:

Mosaic table tops are so fun to make and honestly.. pretty much free. You just need to search around in thrift stores and places like that for old dishes and glasses that you can break and use.

Clean the windows, the walls, the baseboards and wipe down all of the furniture. Completely clean out your closet and sell/donate everything that is cluttering up your life and making your room difficult to be in. It's cheap to clean and paint. Once they see that you are working really hard, being proactive, planning a yard sale, enlisting friends to help you.. they will be impressed. THAT's the angle you want to take. IMPRESS THEM with how energetic and driven you are. AT NO POINT do you ASK for MONEY. (that will come later) Don't bring up the subject of wanting anything (especially money). This little demonstration will show them that you are fully prepared to do all of the work yourself and don't need them for this.

bedroom with white walls dk reen rug and sage green sheers want to paint walls a more cozy color suggetsions ?


i want to change the color in my bedroom for a more cozy feeling. presently all walls are white, dark green carpet on the floor and sage green sheers. the furniture is a very light tan. Do you have and suggestions as to the color that i should paint the walls?

The palest of oranges. Think creamsicle.

I'm thinking something like this

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