Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cute ways to decorate a 13 year old girls bedroom?

Autumn Cha

Hi! (: So I'm looking for some cute ways to decorate my room because I'm really sick of it. My room still has the same fairy wall paper from when I was like 5 and I hate it, but theres nothing i can do about it. My room recently just repainted my room but she didn't take down the wall paper. I really want to make it look nice and not like a 5 year old girls room. Heres some of the things I like : I love a lot of color
I love Hollister and other stuff like that
I love makeup
I love pink and purple and black
Any ideas? Thanks (:
*My mom painted my room xD

I'm 13. I just painted my walls. one is black. one is dark blue. one is neon green with paint fliinged on it. one is also blue, but it's covered in posters. on the blue and black walls i painted/glued pics of spaceships, planets, astronauts, aliens, etc. on the other wall, the plain one, i have tons of posters- tv shows, video games, educational, pretty, motivational, etc as well as pics of my pets/friends. the neon green wall has other spare colors flinged all over it wildly. i did this w my frends, loads of fun. my ceiling is calm blue with white "clouds' painted on (it looks pretty horrible, but i like it.)



So, I need like a complete makeover for my bedroom. My mom and I moved out of my dad's a few months ago (well, more like a lot of a few, lol) The things I moved here were basically "little girl" stuff and I'm very well grown out of that stuff. I'm trying to actually put together my room now. I could only bring a limited supply of things because I still have to go from my mom's to my dad's and back. Now, I would really want to buy things from for ex. or but, it's a little pricey. Do you know of any websites somewhat like those or just any other websites or stores (Preferably retail stores, in Colorado) that would sell stuff like that, that I could buy for my room?!? Also, I wanted to get some wallpaper because I can't paint the walls due to the fact that we are renting the place. First, I wanted damask wallpaper with a gold/metallic look. Than, I saw some wallpaper that was really, really cute that was still damask but, it was like a silver in the background and a hot pink (hot pink is my favorite color next to black and purple if that helps) in the ?damaskian things?? (haha IDK what there called, sorry) but, it was VERY pricey!! Oh, I forgot to put that what I think would be really convenient is that "Sleep + Study Loft" from PB Teen since my room is kind of small but, it's VERY expensive!! If there is something very very similar to that anywhere thats cheaper, please let me know!! And my budget.. Usually it would probably be around $500 at the most but, I'm sure I could squeeze about $1,000-$2,000 out of my dad because he just wants me to feel comfortable at my mom's because he understands that I'm not a big fan of where my mom lives. (So, obviously I'm not going to want to spend all of that on just my bed/desk) But, I would want that bed/desk though because I've really wanted a bunkbed and I don't have a desk yet soo.. yea. Thx!! Sorry this is so long!

Hey I live in Colorado too! I'm in the middle of re-decorating my rooms (Well my bedroom and my game room and bathroom) I would check furniture row (I don't know where you live but there's one really north on I25. I live in Boulder so I shop at McGuckin a lot, but if your more south or east... Then look for furniture rows/ american furniture warehouse near you. And check the lease to make sure the owners would be ok with you putting up wallpaper (We don't let our tenants do that because its a hassle taking down and sometimes the renters take it down themselves and wreck it when the leave. Well I should say my mom's renters do that, but whatever.) Heres a couple ideas but keep in mind you won't get exactly what you want... I did the best I could.|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=2&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0

Another idea you may want to look into is a captains bed. It saves rooms (The dresser is underneath)

Another idea is you could have someone build it for you. My friend wanted something like what you want and her dad built it for her and its so much cuter than what is in magazines.

Sorry, but theres nothing exactly like what you want. Unless you want to spend $1800 on a bed.

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