Saturday, June 21, 2014

Painting Bedroom Ideas?


I am a 16 year old girl... I was thinking about painting this tree in my bedroom. I know I can do it free hand. I am an experienced painter and I have confidence in myself. Take a look and tell me what you think..

Any other ideas to go with this tree? I think i am going to do it in this sagey green, just like in the photo. But I need an actual color scheme. What other colors would accent this weird shade of green?



Girl that is beautiful! I'm a artist too, but I have to see what I need to
draw. My Imagination is not that creative. I put colors to the painting
and I think gold or badge or maybe a darker green. Just make sure
you keep the black in what ever else you decide to do. Personally my
husband thinks it's perfect and you don't need anything else with it.

Teen girl bedroom ideas?


So I used to be such a tomboy and when I was 8, my room was super girly so I redid it and made it a sports theme. Now, I am almost 16 and I am really embarrassed whenever people come up to my room. I was going to ask my parents if I could redo my room as my 16th birthday present. I am trying to see if I can keep the same furniture so it doesnt cost like $5,000, but it's tan and just looks like a little kid's furniture (I've had it since I was a baby) What colors do you think would look best with it? I know, all colors go with tan but I just want to know what color would make it a little girlier and grown up. If my mom lets me, I was going to see if I could get new furniture and then I would get white furniture. I think pink or aqua walls would look really good. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for my room?
here's the duvet I was hoping to get:
and then whatever color I wanted for the lines of the duvet, I would probably paint my walls that color. Do you have any ideas on the color? What color duvet, walls, curtains, and rug do you think I should do with either tan furniture or white furniture?
Sorry that's so long hahah but if you can help that would be great!

Pink is too boring, i don't know...but Acqua's a very pretty color. I also suggest a light yellow. About the furniture, if your mother doesn't agree in buy new ones, ask her to take them to a craftsman to paint them, or just ask her to help you painting them. They will look like new! and depending on their models, they will can even look vintage, what's a classy and feminine touch.
Here, maybe this help:

Oh, and the duvet is beautiful! :)

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