Thursday, June 12, 2014

Small Space-saving Teen Girl Bedroom?

Q. I'm planning to makeover my room. I kinda want my bed and study desk to be like this:

Also, A bit Harry Potter themed since it's coming to and 'end' I'd want to keep the magic alive.

Couldn't get into sight that you suggested so I'm on my own.

Love the idea that you want to "keep the magic alive." Great idea. We can all use is little magic in our lives.

I'm going with a single bed since I don't know if you have a larger bed. Take a good look around your room and see what you have. How about windows? A study desk could possibly go under the window to afford more light during day light hours to do home work, computer, etc. Could possibly save a little on electric bill if you put some of that sunshine to use. Bed could go next to bed, again if this is possible. Good place to put alarm clock and perhaps a small desk top lap if there is enough room on desk. I'm sure you could find the space. When doing home work or other project over flow from desk could be put on bed temporarily. When done with project these things can be put back on desk. Sure you don't want to rest your head on one of your schools books when it's time to ZZZ.

Maybe you could find a Harry Potter poster, framed or unframed to put on a wall, depending on wall space. Could also look around for witches hat to hand next to Harry Potter poster or if poster is framed then hang on edge of frame. Think of other Harry Potter things that could possibly hung on the wall or put somewhere around your room. Might be able to find these things at Goodwill or second hand stores. Maybe mom could take you to these places to look around. Just saw a framed Harry Potter poster at the Goodwill. You never know what you can find there that shouldn't have to cost you or mom an arm and leg. If you go to Goodwill look where they have the frames and such.

Where ever you put your bed, if possible, I would try to keep work desk near by for suggested reasons above. Look around to find out what's out there regarding Harry Potter theme. If it's too expensive do you really need it? Also check out rummage sales for the things you're looking for.

Anything you might bump into regarding Harry Potter think about if will look the way you want it to look in your bedroom. Remember you are doing this for your self. It's your project, it's your room. Good luck and have fun putting putting things together.

New teen bedroom design? any suggestions?

Q. ok so im a girl, 14, about to be 15. i have a small bedroom at the moment that i absoultely hate. i got my parents to agree to let me move in the bonus room of my house. it is verryyy big. so i'll have lots of room. i have a whole theme in my room im in now, but i dont want as much of a theme this time. i still kinda want a theme but not so much that i cant add like posters n pictures n that kinda stuff on my wall.

im really into rock music, playing gutair, surfing, the beach, and peace/hippie stuff. just random stuff like that. (im not exactually a really girly girl) lol.

but anywayzzz, i need help on deciding how 2 decorate it. likee what colors do u think the walls should be, what kinda bedding n furniture n just stuff like that.
just tell me what ya think! plzz helpp.

ohhh and if u have a website that shows some kool designs pleaseee tell me it or give me the link. i do alot better when i can actually see pictures of things.


Hope these give you some good ideas....

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